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Location: Buda, Texas, United States

Technologist, entrepreneur, writer, idealist, activist. A lot of things in our country and world are screwed up right now (government corruption is a prime example), and we can either just watch things get worse or tackle the problems head-on. We need to choose the latter path.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Getting Some Buzz over at Daily Kos

In hearing about Alaska Senator Ted Stevens' indictment today on charges of failing to report hundreds of thousands of dollars of gifts on his federal financial disclosure, it occurred to me that former Commerce Secretary Norman Mineta's almost certain similar violation may have involved even more money.

Unfortunately, the federal authorities have (so far) refused to even open an investigation into Mr. Mineta's possible wrongdoing.

So to stir the pot some more, I posted an item over on Daily Kos:

Sen. Ted Stevens Got Caught, But It's Not Only Republicans

Wow -- a number of interesting responses right off the bat. Nice!

The guy who posted "You'd make Norm *Mineta* a priority?" clearly doesn't have a clue that this scandal involves (at least) three other top-level Administration officials besides Mr. Mineta, and a systemic breakdown of our federal law enforcement and ethics functions.

He'll just have to read the book.



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