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Location: Buda, Texas, United States

Technologist, entrepreneur, writer, idealist, activist. A lot of things in our country and world are screwed up right now (government corruption is a prime example), and we can either just watch things get worse or tackle the problems head-on. We need to choose the latter path.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Truth about Mr. Mineta's Ethics Problem is Getting Around!

Ain't the Internet great!

The All Points Blog, subtitled "The Weblog for Location Technology and GIS," picked up on my recent Guest Editorial in with details of Mr. Mineta's big ethics problem related to Trimble Navigation. Of course, Trimble Navigation is a big player in the location technology market, which is why they were interested in this story in the first place.

Here's the blog piece:

Werner on "monopoly" and Mineta and Trimble Ethics Concern

I particularly liked the way Directions Media Executive Editor Adena Schutzberg concluded the posting: "I encourage interested readers to trace his source materials noted in the article above and his blog."

That's terrific advice. I too, of course, encourage anyone who wants to get to the truth in this matter to fully study the four white papers I've put together that lay out the facts (and there are many) related to Mr. Mineta's very likely violation of our nation's signature ethics law, the Ethics in Government Act. I also encourage folks to listen carefully to my actual discussions with a lady in the U.S. Office of Government Ethics after the OGE apparently "lost" the one financial disclosure on which Mr. Mineta was required by law to provide details of his capital gains income of up to $1 million in Trimble Navigation stock options.

Senior appointed officials in our government should not have a "private agenda" when they come into office but, of course, that clearly appears to be what happened in this case. The citizens of this country deserve and should demand much better.

It has now been almost a month since my Guest Editorial ran, and no response at all from Mr. Mineta. No correction, no rebuttal, no threat to take me to court, no attempt (that I know of) to attack the messenger.

Mr. Mineta is now the Vice Chairman of a very prestigious worldwide Public Relations firm, Hill & Knowlton. Certainly, H&K has the resources to "spin" this story any way they want to, such as to put out a story that I'm just a disgruntled former federal contractor with an axe to grind against Mr. Mineta. Of course, that would not be true, but PR firms often put out spin that isn't true. Their business is "image," not necessarily truth -- very much like politics.

The likely reason that H&K and Mr. Mineta are staying mum is that they know that if they do launch a PR counterattack, that will just focus the public spotlight on the facts of the matter, to my Guest Editorial and four white papers and all the details I have provided online about the scandal.

Back on March 19, 2006, H&K Chairman Paul Taaffe (Mr. Mineta's boss) gave an interview to Australia's ABC Radio in which he said, "There’s nowhere to hide, that’s absolutely right... The reality is, we live in the Google age, there are no secrets."

He was absolutely right.

Ain't the Internet great!



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