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Location: Buda, Texas, United States

Technologist, entrepreneur, writer, idealist, activist. A lot of things in our country and world are screwed up right now (government corruption is a prime example), and we can either just watch things get worse or tackle the problems head-on. We need to choose the latter path.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This Congressman is No Flake

Sometime last year I became aware of the efforts of Arizona Republican Congressman Jeff Flake to reform the out-of-control earmark process. Flake often says that earmarks are the "currency of corruption," and that's exactly what has happened in the scandal.

While Cong. Flake is undoubtedly more conservative than I (as a "progressive/independent") on some issues, every time I hear him talk about the waste and government shenanigans earmarks can cause I find myself nodding vigorously at what he's saying.

This morning while drinking my coffee and watching C-SPAN, I saw that the indefatigable Congressman was at it again, giving a very cogent "5-minute speech" on earmarks in the U.S. House chamber. Once I got in the office I called Cong. Flake's office and asked if they might make that a video of that presentation available on his website.

Just after lunch and -- voila -- an email message from Matt Specht, his Deputy Chief of Staff, with the URL for that speech on YouTube. Here it is.




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