"Hair is Overrated!"

That's what the young fellow who checked me out at the HEB grocery store said this evening, right after he asked me "would you like to purchase our special today, hair gel?" and my response was "what the heck would I do with hair gel?"
He not only asserted that hair was overrated, but he tried pretty hard to convince me that his thesis was correct. "Sure, it can keep you warmer in the winter, but it's a real nuisance in the summer," he said, adding "I usually cut it all off when it starts getting really hot," which it certainly does here in central Texas.
His comments, I'm sure, were meant to make me feel less self-conscious when I asked about how I might actually use the product they were featuring in their daily special. But I found his remarks mildly condescending.
Did he really need to give me an explanation of how hair can be useful in the winter, but a pain in the ass in the summer? Didn't he realize that I once had hair, albeit and admittedly a while ago?
For one fleeting moment I wished I had brought a print of the black and white picture from 1952 I came across at Judy and Bill's place last Christmas that proved unequivocally that I indeed once knew what having hair on the top of one's head was like.
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