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Location: Buda, Texas, United States

Technologist, entrepreneur, writer, idealist, activist. A lot of things in our country and world are screwed up right now (government corruption is a prime example), and we can either just watch things get worse or tackle the problems head-on. We need to choose the latter path.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another Prediction: DHS Deputy Secretary Jackson Will Resign

OK, since I'm running one-for-one in the prediction department, I'm going to give another stab at it. My next prediction is that Michael P. Jackson, the current sitting Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), will resign sometime in the near future.

FYI, Mr. Jackson was previously Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Transportation from 2001 to 2003. He is a long-time associate of (former) USDOT Secretary Mineta, having also worked with Mr. Mineta at Lockheed Martin IMS in the 1990s before entering into "public service."

There are many different reasons that may be given about why Mr. Jackson chose to resign at this time, of course, from wanting to spend more time with his family to wanting to get out of a high-stress but relatively low-paying (through salary, that is) government job, to just wanting a change of venue. Some may even attribute his resignation to the criticism he (as "Chief Operating Officer" of DHS) and his agency have had to endure in the fallout surrounding the Katrina disaster.

I have no clue what reason will be given for his departure. It might be similar to what President Bush's press head, Tony Snow, said in response to a question about why Mr. Mineta resigned: "because he wanted to!" However, if Mr. Jackson does resign, that resignation will likely be driven by the same underlying reason that led to Mr. Mineta's resignation, which I explained back on April 10 (and have reinstated that blog entry).

Just wait and see.



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